High-achieving current or aspiring executives, professionals, and business owners

wanting to overcome imposter's syndrome, reclaim key professional & personal priorities, leverage passion to increase income & impact

so that you can build a legacy and confidently step into your highest potential

Deep Transformational and Healing Package upgrading you on Emotional, Physical, Soul and Financial levels

10 weeks one-to-one Intuitive Energy Healing,
Mentoring and Coaching

with Dove

Would you like to...?

  • Shift from burnout, overwhelm, confusion and depression to clarity and confidence, so that you can be in peace with who you are and where you are heading;
  • Release subconscious limiting beliefs around power, success, failure, fear, competition, comparison, jealousy and victim consciousness so that you can step out of survival mode and start thriving;
  • Increase confidence and freedom in expressing yourself verbally so you can always communicate in a powerful, respectful and diplomatic way;
  • Overcome Imposter's syndrome and boost your self-worth, self-esteem and confidence which will help you to make better business, life and/or relationship decisions and bring more abundance;
  • Dissolve aspects of illusion of EGO causing lack of focus, productivity, fears to move forward and energy leaks due to false self - concepts;
  • Strengthen your intuition in order for you to be both - in your feminine and masculine power;
  • Stop carrying the whole world on your shoulders just to prove you are a superhuman and allow to be supported;
  • Learn how to start really loving and celebrating yourself instead of a constant self-punishment and criticism to bring more balance, joy and happiness into your life.
Book a Clarity Call

Welcome the Ultimate Upgrade of the Quality of your Life!

2 Months one-to-one Intuitive Healing,
Mentoring and Coaching Package

Decode your Power

with Dove

Leading Intuitive Success Coach

 Transformational Mentor, Theta Brain Waves Energy Healer

  • This package is a transformational journey diving deep into the roots of your energetic blocks for high end power, worthiness, confidence and success. 
  • By shifting the cause and reasons for your thoughts, habits, fears and behaviours, you will be able to reborn and evolve into brand new version of yourself. After healing childhood traumas, releasing emotional baggage, family and genetic patterns, past conditioning, limited collective consciousness - you will up level your life into the entirely new reality emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually.
  • Your mind is your strongest muscle, but your heart has the strongest electromagnetic field. Combining and balancing them both, rewiring your brain, awakening your intuition and psychic abilities, learning to trust your inner guidance system especially when your mind is confused or is in doubt and to use secret tools will build you into an unshakeable power house allowing you to think clear, feel forceful, and provide the highest performance.
  • With upgrading limits of self-worth and self-value, strengthening your confidence you will become highly valuable without any need to hustle, fight, compare and compete with anyone else.
  • Through reinforcing your strengths and transforming your weaknesses you will awaken your authentic power within, you have never thought you had, clearing the paths to effortlessly stepping into your success, feeling safe in uncomfortable situations and having confidence to make courageous new decisions in regards to career, relationship and general life decisions.
  • Anger and rage for fighting for your status, respect and recognition, exhaustion and depression for over giving, over working and doing it all alone just to prove your strength, worthiness and love - will be over allowing you to relax.
  • You will learn how to stand on your feet firmly, speak your truth strongly and diplomatically which will make you feel centred, whole, complete, sovereign and self-sufficient without any guilt, shame or need to seek validation externally.

Client praise

Katazina (Business consultant, Finland)

Overcame depression and made new decisions regarding her health, career and life

Dove is a true angel sent to me from heavens! Working with her was very inspiring, a true lesson of happiness, very powerful, life changing, enlightening. A journey of walking away from darkness to harmony with body and soul. Weight of confusion no longer controls my life! People around me tell me I am newly born now! Dove could read me like an open book! She was also right about my heart's condition which was later confirmed by the doctor's cardiogram.”

This is for you...

If you are an ambitious, hard working, but unfulfilled corporate professional who feels stuck and doesn’t know what to do

If no matter how much you work and no matter how hard you try, you feel that you are never enough

If you tend to over work and over give

If you feel as if you are married to your job and there is no time for anything else in your life

If having your status, money, possessions, luxury trips do not make you happy or fulfilled

If you are experiencing changes in your life and you have fears of the unknown or doubts of how to move forward

If you feel that life controls you and you have no power

If you are fed up, exhausted, overwhelmed of where you are at

If you have issues with standing up for yourself verbally or expressing your truth

If you lack support and instead do everything on your own

If you are perfectionist and highly critical to yourself

If you wake up each morning thinking "oh no..not again"

Book a Clarity Call

This is not for you...

If you do this for someone else, but you

If you don't know what you want

If you are not ready to be honest with yourself and me

If you are waiting for someone else to make decisions for you

If you want the whole world to change to make you happy, but not you

If you do not take responsibility, but blame everyone around you

If you are looking for a quick fix, magic stick to save you

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true Power.

Lao Tzu

Theta®Healing Sessions

Theta Healing® technique allows to reprogram our subconscious mind from limiting beliefs and feelings into empowering ones instantly this way healing deep levels of your being on an emotional, physical and spiritual levels

Conscious Mind & Action Coaching

Coaching on Mind and Actions creates profound new pathways with precise actions of how to reach your desired outcome and goals.

Mentoring, Support & Strategies

A solution orientated process of short and long term planning alongside weekly support to create a firm and long lasting desired outcome.


  • 45 min Introduction call on Zoom or Skype
  • 9 x 1.5 h Weekly sessions on Zoom or Skype (All calls recorded)
  • Email and voice message support twice a week
  • Free De-Stress meditation.

The Now & the Change

This is not a templated approach. We know every single is client unique. We’ll work with you to explore, understand and crystallise your individual situation, set up goals, release any quilt, shame, anger, hopelessness and fear of change of the current for you to be ready to up level your reality.

Hidden Innate Powers

This section is dedicated to awaken your psychic abilities, intuition and unleash your powers, unblocking your inner guidance, so that you could naturally allow and magnetise others to respect and be of service to you.

The Power Centre & the Victim

Maximising your growth by focusing on your power centre - transforming distorted power, success, self-worth, failure concepts, upgrading your low self-esteem into unconditional value, setting up strong and healthy boundaries and releasing victim consciousness.

Me & my Parents

Conflicts with your mother and father block your success. Since you are the creation of your parents, this is aimed not to relive , but to release what is yours, but does not serve you in relation to denying or blocking your roots - energetic healing of your childhood traumas from the start of your conception, transforming limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind in regards to your parents withholding you to be successful.

Ego & Fear

This is when you really come to life going from fears to be fierce by addressing aspects of unbalanced & unhealthy EGO, dissolving fears held in your subconscious mind and the body of the unknown, success, failure and power and strengthening your courage to take massive actions towards your desires.

Perfect Me Not, Punishment & Criticism

Working on ending false mental constructs of perfectionism about yourself stealing the joy and blocking you from the flow, disconnecting from collective consciousness and false ideas on your identity and true self, ending internal competition happening through self - criticism and self - punishment as a way to evolve and grow.

The Voice

Harnessing your communication skills to be able to speak your truth easily, strongly, calmly and diplomatically by activating your throat chakra, so you could learn to stand up for yourself without any quilt or fear confrontation, attack or abandonment.

No Support - I can do it all

The process to identify your responsibilities, possible areas of delegation and working with your belief system in order to be supported, exploring areas where you are proving your strength by doing it all, over working and over giving , so you could allow yourself to be supported emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually without feeling week, ashamed or vulnerable.

Love & Celebration

Your heart is the strongest electromagnetic centre. This section is dedicated to opening your heart for you to give and receive more love, learn to appreciate, love, respect and celebrate yourself to the maximum, so you could be fully independent, sovereign and self-sufficient without seeking for love or validation externally.

Clients say..

Moved from London to Zurich, with her new boyfriend and found a new job

“I was going through a major change in my life when I met Dove. I had lost my job, and my confidence and happiness with it. I was not sure about my place in the world, I was feeling pessimistic, sad, hopeless. 

I did not know what to expect from the sessions with Dove, but I was willing to try. I did not have any hesitations, it was just uncertainty about how these sessions take place and whether I will like them. I was curious. 

During the sessions, it seemed like we were just sitting there and having a conversation, but later I realised they have brought a positive effect on me.

The best thing that I got from sessions with Dove was that I was able to escape from the negative train of thoughts, which had been going on for months. When you are feeling depressed, it is hard to get out of that state. 

Somehow after sessions with Dove I was able to genuinely appreciate all the good things I already had in my life, which I was not able to see before. I felt lighter in my chest. Not only I was feeling more positive, I was feeling joy! 

I would highly recommend working with Dove. It may also bring a positive impact to you, like it did to me!”

Alex (Lawyer from London)

Moved from London to Singapore, found a new girlfriend and a new 5 figures job

“Dove offered to help me in a variety of ways. The first focus area she described immediately resonated with me and she got to work. As she was healing I felt a wave of calm and peace in the centre of my being. By the end of the sessions I instantly felt her 'magic' working - not only did I feel physically and spiritually lighter, but I also felt the healing process really beginning. Dove even made a few predictions of things that would happen to me now that the healing was complete. They came true that same day!”

- Dominique (Lawyer/Cryptocurrency specialist from US)

Everyone is concerned about a set of basic things in their lives. These include love, career, health, children, family, creativity and friends. These things are the foundation of a fulfilling life. The way to turn your life around is knowledge, knowing what to do is the key. I have never experienced energy healing and coaching before I met Dove. But she made me realise and feel how important it is to tap into one’s past and release oneself from all the bad knots. I felt very safe and I could let my guard down without being judged. Dove made it very easy for me. It was obvious to me that she felt deeply and had a compassionate heart. I would recommend Dove to anyone who seeks coaching / energy healing practitioner, especially those who may feel anxious or worried, or is doing this for the first time!

Jalal (Politician, PR director from Pakistan)

Improved health issues

My lower back was hurting for 2 weeks and I barely could walk, I have changed my chair at work, posture to seat, stop to commute with my backpack, took pain killers and after the healing from Dove, the pain was gone!

Giovanni (Lawyer from Brazil)

Boosted Start-up Business

Helped to make my dream come true - my start-up business, by re-assuring my confidence and my energy to have courage to do this. Dove is a great business psychologist, able to read people, clearly see their strengths and weaknesses, advising on loops and holes and helping to build further actions.

Mert (Lawyer from Turkey)

It works instantly

Honestly I couldn't expect that the healing and coaching sessions were going to have such a positive effect on me since I was really sceptical. I was really surprised how instantly it helped me to release my negative emotions, stress and anger. It also helped me to improve relationships with very important people in my life. So I recommend to give it a try even if you are not sure if it's going to work.

Amgad, (Lawyer from Egypt)

Improved work & personal life

I really enjoyed working with Dove on coaching calls over the period of one year. Dove's approach to incorporate energy healing into our sessions was truly unique. She helped me made aware of areas that I could improve not only with my work/career but also with my personal life. Her positive perspective on life was something that I looked forward to, and most of all, she walks the talk! Thank you, Dove!

Tony (IT Business owner from Florida)

Hi! I am Dove, a Leading Intuitive Success Coach, Transformational Mentor & Theta Brain Waves Energy Healer.

After dedicating my life to finding the highest truth as an ambitious lawyer for 16 years, holding 2 Masters in Law (Business and International Banking and Finance), Chinese Mandarin language studies, THInK/Theta Healing® Institute of Knowledge qualifications, Animas Centre for Coaching studies, countless work with worldwide renowned master energy healers, body workers, leadership coaches, I now devote myself to helping Leaders, current or aspiring Executives, CEOs, Business owners to overcome burnout, overwhelm, imposter's syndrome, reclaim key professional & personal priorities, leverage passion to increase income & impact so that they can build a legacy and confidently step into their highest potential without pain, suffer and years of effort.

Book a Clarity call